Sunday, December 6, 2009


What a ride! It feels great to finally be here. I walked into the dark lobby of "Cottage Yes Please" in Paharganj, New Delhi last night at 3:30am after a 16 some-odd hour flight plus 2 hours at Heathrow airport. Although it was long and cramped, the flight was made enjoyable by making friends with two indian passengers beside me. Amrit is a grandmother to 9 children and had lots of sweet and funny grandmotherly stories to tell as well as giving good advice to a first time traveler to India. Amrit is mostly blind and I enjoyed helping her navigate through the classic Bollywood movies and music on the screen in front of her, a great way to pass the long hours in the air besides sleeping/head bobbing every so often. Then there was Ben, a middle-aged man on his way to Bombay to address a family situation, a very kind fellow who was curious about my travels to India and my life at home. I was jealous of how well he seemed to be able to sleep! He also liked his sweets, somtimes doubling or tripling his desserts when it was meal time.
Anyhow, I'm now here in Paharganj trying to navigate my way around for a few days before heading off to Dharamsala. I'd like to try describing this place on my next post...right now it's just sheer bewilderment!

It's hard to believe this isn't all a dream (or is it?).

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